Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The Best IT System To Support Your Company

Long gone are the days when IT systems consist of poor-performing PCs, Notebooks & Servers with an IT support company with unreliable companies with slow response times. Well, that is how it should be!

With the age of secure, remote access IT systems & remote IT support, what is now commercially available to all businesses is a fast IT system with powerful servers and computers at reasonable prices. Not only does any business have access to this, but in terms of IT support, you can now have the power to work remotely from any location, utilising Microsoft’s Terminal Services solution.

Terminal Services is Microsoft’s solution to the more expensive Citrix, but has similar benefits for your business IT System. For multi-site companies and global businesses, Terminal Services solutions provide a secure remote access solution for your company IT network. Staff and managers alike have the ability to login to their software applications and data anywhere in the world in a matter of seconds. Combine this and thin client technology and what you have is a virus free, secure system that will transport your business IT & network infrastructure into the future of business computing.

One step further and what you can have is a complete remotely-hosted IT system with hosted Exchange, which provides a Microsoft Outlook remote access solution. Housed in a secure data centre, your entire company’s data and software applications are remotely hosted to provide unparalleled redundancy, resilience and disaster recovery solution.

More and more businesses are switching to remote access solutions due to the disaster recovery and security advantages of such systems and there is no other reliable, secure and cost-effective way to ensure your business is completely covered in the event of an IT system failure.
If your company suffered a disaster, fire or even a burglary, no other IT solution could get your business back up and running instantly at such a low cost per head.

Imagine the benefits of having an IT system completely managed in a secure, remote environment, providing a complete disaster recovery solution that can leave you to concentrate on your core business activities. IT support costs are kept to a minimum as all servers are remotely managed by your IT system provider.

The most common concerns of many businesses are viruses, hackers and data theft. These can all be resolved in a remote access environment as all systems, support and software are at enterprise and corporate standards, meaning your data and communications are in safe hands with multiple-level security protocols in place. This ensures your privacy and protects your data.

Your business could purchase cheaper hardware and all standard Microsoft Office software programs come complete with remote IT systems, as part of the monthly cost per head. All future hardware and software upgrades are included in the monthly fees, which means your IT costs are kept at constant, scaleable levels and you have access to the latest technology and software updates.

IT support contracts are not necessary as you can have adhoc support only when you need it for your PCs, notebooks and servers.

Copyright Networklondon.co.uk
London IT Company

IT Support, The Crucial Factor For Your Business

IT Support has become increasingly important over the years. With businesses and industries becoming more and more competitive, your IT and computer network needs to make your business as efficient as possible.

When something goes wrong with your network or IT, you need to have a rapid response from your support company and it's engineers. Using the power of remote support, your business could benefit from immediate network support via remote access to your systems using either software, Terminal Services or Citrix.
There is software on the market today that will allow a company to support and solve computer issues without the need to install any software on the affected machines, this saves precious time and money and gives the smaller business the necessary response required for a much lower cost than ever before. Other options like Terminal Services is Microsoft's answer to the once dominating Citrix.

Key Issues That Affect Businesses

The most common issues for unsatisfied companies are - slow computers, security, spam, staff spending hours on the internet, data backup problems, viruses, software licensing concerns, spyware, unreliable systems and out-dated technology. The cost of IT failure is high and it's impact is felt in terms of increased costs, wasted time and low staff morale.
When choosing what company to outsource your IT support to, you need to consider the following:

IT Support

How quickly can an engineer or support staff get to your IT systems or computers and start solving the problem(s) and what are the costs involved in doing this? What qualifications will my computer support people have?What does your support cover and what guarantees are in place should your computer network or IT "go down"?

IT System

What systems and procedures are in place to ensure your IT, data and computer systems are in safe hands and free from disaster recovery issues?
What management or monitoring software is in place to continually monitor your systems?
How frequent are backups taken and what are the procedures in the event of Disaster Recovery?

New Hardware & Software

What advice and support will you receive when needing to purchase new or additional software or hardware for your business and how impartial will that advice be?

Just by asking these simple questions, your data and network wil be in safer hands and your IT and network support should be stress-free, allowing your company and it's staff to concentrate on business and not IT and computer issues.

Copyright Networklondon.co.uk

58% Of Businesses Expect An IT Security Breach in the Next 12 Months

A recent government survey of over 500 small businesses covering London and Surrey regions revealed that 58% of company owners expect a security breach in t heir IT system in the next year. 24% of those surveyed had already been subjected to a security breach and this is worrying as there are many IT & network solutions available in the marketplace for peace-of-mind, without having to break budgets.

Disaster Recovery and IT security are crucial factors for any business and with proper precautions, support and systems you can be safe in the knowledge that you, your business and your data are covered for any security, virus and spam threats.

Businesses in London, Surrey and indeed the rest of the world can have a complete corporate-class system with full IT support, a disaster recovery solution, worldwide remote access, encrypted logins, PDA and Blackberry mobile support, multiple virus and spam filters, daily backups and the power of Microsoft Exchange Server. All of this is available for a low, monthly fee, per user, so your IT costs are scaleable, manageable and it removes the headache from the whole IT side of your business.

Never again have to pay vast sums of money for servers, Microsoft Office licenses, expensive PCs or notebooks, as your entire IT system is supported and maintained in-house in highly-secure data centres with Tier 1 broadband connections. Traditional IT Support could soon be a thing of the past with remote support being so quick, easy and globally available.

The main IT concerns amongst businesses are viruses, system failure, unauthorised access and inappropriate usage by staff. All of these fears and concerns can be resolved with an IT system that utilises the latest technology to deliver a corporate-class infrastructure at a price suitable for SME’s, individuals and multi-site companies.

Blackberry devices are a proven choice for the professional business and you can have all the benefits of the enterprise version, without having to purchase separate servers or Blackberry software. Simply “plug in” your device and the communication between you and your business will be at it’s optimum level. No matter whether you use Vodafone, O2 or T Mobile, your business will never be the same again.

Your communication, data and business could not be in safer hands and you will have the power to work from any location around the world with ease, putting you in control of your life and business. Whether you are on holiday, ill or travelling globally, you can stay in touch with your staff and data using any internet connected computer, giving you the edge over your competitors.

Copyright NetworkLondon.co.uk

Blackberry Mobile Devices

The power that Blackberry mobile devices bring to a business is phenominal.

Why wait until you get back to the office to pick up urgent documents, emails or appointments? Blackberry devices empower managers and sales staff with instant remote communications, combined with secure email. You will wonder how you ever managed before.

Blackberry's are provided by mobile operators O2, T Mobile, Vodafone and Orange.

Copyright Networklondon.co.uk

Disaster Recovery

Without terrorism it is important to have a good disaster recovery plan. With the current threat of terror around us, businesses both small and large need to have a disaster recovery solution that will enable them to return to work as quickly as possible.

Our IT system is the only one of it's kind in the UK and it provides complete remote desktop access for sales teams or global business. Curent clients include recruitment consultants and agencies, estate agents, telecoms providers, real estate companies, entrepreneurs, serviced offices and many more types of businesses.

IT Support is another area where you and your staff will benefit. Using the power of terminal services, we will be able to take control of your mouse and keyboard and actually diagnose problems and solve any software problems you may have.

Copyright Networklondon.co.uk

You Don’t Need To Pay For IT

IT Support has never been such a minefield. With new technologies always entering the marketplace it is now possible to have a corporate-standard IT system without having the financial headache of purchasing a server or even software such as Microsoft Office.

For one small monthly payment, companies with 1-50 users can have their whole IT infrastructure based in a secure location, safe in the knowledge that should their office be burgled, damaged or even burned down, the only thing required to be reconnected to your office system and data is a new PC, Laptop, Thin Client or any internet-connected terminal such as in Internet Cafes. This is perfect for disaster recovery.

As your IT system is centrally managed in a safe and secure hosting environment, your IT support requirements are minimal or non-existent due to the power of remote IT support where an IT engineer or technician can actually “take over” control of your mouse and keyboard actions from anywhere in the world.
This is a very crucial factor as you can even be taught and shown how to perform a particular task and it also removes the usual time-delay involved when requiring “hands-on” IT support. With a remote desktop your life will be much easier.

There are a great many advantages with remotely-hosted IT & network systems and another great benefit is the fact that you can literally work from anywhere in the world as long as you have an internet connection.

You could be working on a train via wireless or 3G, sending and retrieving documents via Blackberry devices or PDAs, catching up with work on the beach, the list is just endless.
As access to your data is mobile, you do not have to worry about synchronising data and carrying data on USB flash drives etc, this all saves you time and ultimately money and the freedom and mobility you will gain from such a system will only benefit your company and it’s staff, allowing for home-working and emergency access 24 hours a day.

Microsoft licensing is a major change that has occurred over the past 18 months and it is no longer necessary for companies to spend vast sums of money on hardware, software and server-related network support. In fact, companies no longer have to pay large sums of money for Microsoft Office, Adobe, Kaspersky and a growing list of software suppliers thanks to a change in the way licensing can be paid for.

A great benefit of this is that you can pay monthly for a software product and receive free upgrades when new releases or patches become available.

Copyright Networklondon.co.uk

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

IT Support in London

When a small company decides it needs help with IT Computer network support, a serious decision needs to be made!

Your company's IT can be the difference between success and failure in extreme cases. Choosing your supplier can be a tough and daunting task.

Thankfully there are new options to the standard IT Support for London business. In the old days (and still currently) you would have a support contract with a supplier that gave you guaranteed response times to travel to your office and fix and problems that arose.

Now, there is a new way with remote access solutions that include full disaster recovery solutions as STANDARD and remote support no matter where in the world you may be!

You can even bolt-on Blackberry mobile devices without the usual costs involved, like additional servers or Blackberry Enterprise Server software.

With changing technology wouldn't you prefer to have an IT System that is truly portable, secure and cost-effective.

For more info visit Network London